ALT ~ University

"Play-Up : Whole-Out" ~ Helping People...



HEAL their past

HARNESS their power

HANDLE their purpose

HELP others do the same

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Shadow Walk Introduction... 

Click Here for a Private Shadow Walk

Imagine if you were Healed...


One hundred percent fully you, operating through life in a STATE where you had consistent confidence. Mind, Body, Soul so clear, that there was no doubt, there was no fear, there were only solutions. 

This is possible through EMOTIONAL EDUCATION. A certain type of lesson that can’t be physical, & can’t be motivated. It isn’t relieved with drive, grit, medication, or determination. It is internal work that is processed by being felt and can only be inspired from within. Once you have tapped into this inspiration, forward movement is easy, playful, fun & INEVITABLE! 

When you don’t do this work, what happens is you can’t HANDLE IT. You can’t handle the mental/physical pressure, parenting, work, relationships, life in general. You feel overwhelmed, you feel stressed, tired and emotionally overwrought. This is not the truth or the state of what you actually are. You’re just midway through completing you. Let us help you close the loop by learning how to LIVE, how to LOVE & how to let the false self DIE. 

We invite you to come check out the brief introduction video to our program below.












Praise & Accolades

Click Here to View Our Video Testimonials

Advance With ALT 

Programs & Products


Please Excuse Us As We Update Your ALT-U Website Experience.

Our Methods

We’ll show you how to connect a healthy body, mind, & soul so you can live a balanced life.

Three paths we explore:

MEDITATION as a tool for clarity.
MOVEMENT to promote longevity.
MUSIC to inspire the mind & body.

Books & Mini Courses 


This online book, written by Adrienne L. Thomas, is a handbook for how to HEAL Your Toxic Talk Track. It is the 10 Step Process to help you integrate your Shadow Self, overcome personal shame, & move forward with FREEDOM! 

Buy NOW!

Mini Course

This "ALTering...Anger" mini course, presented by Amber Chazukow, provides the tools & tips needed to shift from anger to acceptance with ease. It will help you reframe & relieve the shame that accompanies this emotion.

Buy NOW!

E-Book...Coming Soon! 

This online book, written by Adrienne L. Thomas & Michelle Benewiat, is a step-by-step workbook to help explore your personal programming, heal past wounds, & forgive those who influenced your experience . 

Coming Soon!

Mini Course...Coming Soon!

This mini course, traditionally provided post Shadow Walk, will guide you through the process of designing the tools needed to help transmute difficult emotions quickly, remain emotionally regulated, & set you up for success. 

Coming Soon!

Contact Us

Book A Synergy Call Now!

If you are ready to prioritize living & find out more about what may be keeping you from feeling JOY in your life, book a synergy call with us and let's see how WE can serve YOU best!

Let us help you...

- Find out what is keeping you STOPPED in life.

- Learn to keep PEACE in mind & body.

- Find JOY in everyday living.

Find A Coach

Corporate Events

Let us know how we can best serve you or your business. Remember to ask us about our upcoming events, speaking engagements, vitality packages, or how you can become a part of the "Shadow Walk" revolution! 

We will send you future offers & never share your personal information.

Hi! I'm Adrienne L. Thomas, and Intuitive Mindset Coach. I help people reestablish a deep connection with their power, prudence, purpose & play so they can trust life, #OPTIMIZEJOY, get back in the game & HELP others do the same!

Hi! I'm Adrienne L. Thomas, and Intuitive Mindset Coach. I help people reestablish a deep connection with their power, prudence, purpose & play so they can trust life, #OPTIMIZEJOY, get back in the game & HELP others do the same!

Contact Us

Let us know how we can best serve you or your business. Remember to ask us about our upcoming events, speaking engagements, vitality packages or how you can become a part of the "Shadow Walk" revolution! Also, please enjoy our FREE gift on how you can INCREASE ENERGY NOW!

Become A Certified Coach

Whether you are just launching your coaching business, expanding your training toolbox, or looking to level-up your personal practice, we have just the program for you. By becoming an ALT-U Certified Coach, you can join us in our mission to HEAL the WORLD! Contact us today to book a synergy call and see if our Past to Prodigy, year round Master Mind Program, is right for YOU!

Find Us

Get To Know The Founders Of ALT-University! Follow us on FaceBook, watch our video testimonials, & join our online Facebook Community. #OPTIMIZEJOY


"The strength of our ‪humanity is derived by the ‪relationships we build by connecting, sharing and engaging our successes as well as our failures. This creates extraordinary opportunities to add value and help others through empathy."

~ Paul Bradley Smith ~


"I think that's the most fascinating part of getting to know someone. To see how they do things. How their way is different from your way, and the FUN of trying to do it their way. What value there is in looking at things from their perspective."

~ Kati Hawk ~

SHEroes & SHEnanigans

"There are moments, when you're getting to know someone, when you realize something deep and buried in you, is deep and buried in them, too. If feels like meeting a stranger you've known your WHOLE life."

~ Leah Raeder ~