ALT ~ University
"Play-Up : Whole-Out" ~ Helping People...
HEAL their past
HARNESS their power
HANDLE their purpose
HELP others do the same
Shadow Walk Introduction...Â
Imagine if you were Healed...
One hundred percent fully you, operating through life in a STATE where you had consistent confidence. Mind, Body, Soul so clear, that there was no doubt, there was no fear, there were only solutions.Â
This is possible through EMOTIONAL EDUCATION. A certain type of lesson that can’t be physical, & can’t be motivated. It isn’t relieved with drive, grit, medication, or determination. It is internal work that is processed by being felt and can only be inspired from within. Once you have tapped into this inspiration, forward movement is easy, playful, fun & INEVITABLE!Â
When you don’t do this work, what happens is you can’t HANDLE IT. You can’t handle the mental/physical pressure, parenting, work, relationships, life in general. You feel overwhelmed, you feel stressed, tired and emotionally overwrought. This is not the truth or the state of what you actually are. You’re just midway through completing you. Let us help you close the loop by learning how to LIVE, how to LOVE & how to let the false self DIE.Â
We invite you to come check out the brief introduction video to our program below.
Rhea L.S. ~ Group Shadow Walk Session
Licensed Therapist
I've been a therapist for 20 years, and I've tried many modalities myself, but this was a really different experience for me in terms of getting right to the root of the belief system. AND then being able to change it, over a span of two days (3hrs), is really amazing. In traditional therapies like (CBT, EMDR, Somatic Practices) you're figuring out all these themes and the different ways to address them. [These therapies] all have their place, but the [Group Shadow Walk Session] was much more to the point. It helped me get [clear on what] my false belief system is. I could sit in therapy forever and never have gotten those things. And for me, it is easier to address and figure out how to change [something moving forward] when I know what I am dealing with right from the beginning, vs spending years trying to figure it out. [Your program] starts with that, and then you go from there. [I noticed] it changed how I related to certain people in my life immediately, which I found fascinating and hopeful. I haven't had many negative thoughts since [the session] but when I do, [I know] I can recognize the old belief system right away, and get through it so much faster. I also haven't needed to use [the tools provided] yet, but they give me hope that in the future, it will be easier to move through painful feelings [quickly], vs spending an hour, or ten, hoping they will end. [Your program] is very healing to say the least. [After this experience] I feel more confident, comfortable, and powerful being me, and I know I am beautiful and loveable just as I am. I definitely recommend this program to those who have tried traditional practices without resolution; are willing to go deep; and are wanting to get to the root of your personal belief system quickly - so you can move forward with your life, knowing how amazing you truly are! (Highlights from Rhea's video testimonial).Â

Holly Schultz ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
ALT~U Certified Coach
"I got my life back & restored a zest for life I had resigned myself from receiving. With Michelle’s guidance I found MY-SELF again & the LOOP I had been living in. Knowing this has helped me finally break free from that loop & quickly stop old patterns that no longer serve me, so I can live fully. This clarity made it easy to find my PURPOSE & know what I came here to do...I came here to help others live their BEST adventure, which is their LIFE! I decided to become an ALT-U coach because I know with the ALT strategy I can deliver the results my MISSION requires. Now I can truly help others break free from their loop & LIVE THEIR BEST LIFE! Just like I was delivered the cosmos, I too can take others to the most magical place in the universe...the STARS, and from there they can live their DREAMS!"
Michelle Benewiat ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
Co-Founder of ALT-University & ALT-U Certified Coach
FREEDOM! Never have I had so much FUN, JOY & WILLINGNESS to go into discomfort, vulnerability or step into new challenges. I mean - I love my LIFE! I knew I'd eventually be a life-coach, though I didn't know what it would look like. Now I'm living my life fully as a coach, mentor, parent, wife, friend & WOMAN. I'm ready to take it all on whatever it looks like. I'm super excited for what's next. ALL THE THINGS! Even the SHIfT! I can look at every hard thing I'm doing & see the lesson for me within the experience to guide others...EVERY SINGLE ONE!

Kimberly D. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
Spiritual Life-Coach
I was born a preemie, born with a mild disability and then had autoimmune issues as an adult, to the point where I couldn’t work and struggled walking with my cane. She helped me see the root reasons for my body to choose this life with a disability. And after that awareness, I was able to choose to let it go. Now, I am walking without my cane. I am still healing myself and relearning to walk. I am eternally grateful to Adrienne for being an integral part of my healing journey. If you want to understand your "life theme" and patterns that no longer serve you, or face the roots of your toxic pain or shame, book a call with her. You won’t regret it.

Ron C.
Digital Artist & Future ALT~U Coach
[My Group Shadow Walk experience] was phenomenal. I thought it was a very integrative and holistic approach [to working with the Shadow] negative aspects of life. I say that having had [other] experiences that weren't as integrative and tend to gloss over the hidden part of ourselves that we don't like to look at. [After the session] I felt lighter, childlike, playful, grounded and more like myself. I was able to observe myself and my triggers more easily, which was enlightening, and was also able to self correct more easily. I am more patient with myself and with others and it has enabled me to see other's choices as more unconscious actions vs malicious intention. [Through this process] I've learned that the Shadow not only has it's place in our lives, but it's a very important part of ourselves, that once we are able to bring it into alignment with our higher self, it becomes an amazing friend vs an [internal] adversary. This is one tool that I have found that if you use it, it will work and [while the Shadow Walk experience] is intense and feels difficult during the process, the [freedom gained] is so worth it! (Highlights from Ron's video testimonial).

Kalhie Q. ~ Coaching Experience
Sooooo.... How wild is our beautiful universe? I don't think I ever met Adrienne outside of a social media setting. At least not in this lifetime. I have to say, chatting with her felt very familiar. I have been going through some challenges and changes as of lately, and our conversation felt like it was meant to be. It felt right. She was able to help me see the SHEro within my SHEnanigains. I absolutely recommend reaching out or at least listening to her message if ya want to dive a bit deeper. I am down with self love and healing. Thank you for helping me take the next step!!!Â

Kathryn Cook ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
Co-Founder & COO of ALT-University
Personal development is nothing new to me. In fact my whole life I’ve been coaching people through much of their growth & with that find that, I myself, can often be a very resistant person in many ways to being coached. So when Adrienne offered me a rather impromptu Shadow Session, I thought it would be more of the “same” of what I have found over the years. In other words...I wasn’t expecting to be outsmarted by the strategy, but I was. In fact, I was struck by the process in which I was able to go so deep into my past so quickly. Within 2 hours she helped me find the root issue of what consistently stops me in life and I simply broke down. I could feel the pain of my life experiences finally releasing. It was reaching something so specific that I had not fully realized before. The session, even in its simplicity, was able to get to the crux of the matter...the foundation of what I have built my life upon. I clearly saw so many of the obstacles I’ve faced (many I felt embarrassed of) and realized I don’t have to keep repeating them over & over again. In fact now when looking back on how it has affected my life, I can still feel the resistance of that day and KNOW I have been freed...actually FREED of these patterns. Soon after I thought, why don’t I formalize my desire to help others with this system, that not only works but can magnify the impact of what I already love doing. It is difficult to express the power of a Shadow Session, but it is real and I'm going to make it my business, because I KNOW it works. It is the KEY...the missing link of what most never find in their PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & I’m going to help bring it to the world.

Denise M. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
I think the program is a very interesting and useful tool, that I didn't even know I needed. I honestly wasn't sure what to expect in the beginning, all I knew was it was a form of self healing, & a way to find out what has been holding me back in life. Intrigued, I had to give it a try. I'm so glad I did. I was a little skeptical, wondering how one session could make that much of an impact on my life. I was completely blown away! Once I got through my session, I couldn't believe the life theme, & triggers that came up. They made total sense for me. Having that information armed me with tools & resources to better handle anything new that came my way with more confidence & trust in my own decisions, & really learning how to release the things that no longer serve me. I can much more quickly spot triggers that come up & can handle them with more grace & ease. It has helped me become more comfortable in my own skin. I have had many breakthroughs since my session, the most important being to always check in with myself, making sure my inner child is left feeling heard & loved. IÂ absolutely adore (Kathryn Cook) the coach I had for my session. She was a delight, very calm, knowledgeable, made me very comfortable. I would love to check in with her again to let her know the progress I have made. If this is something you have been thinking about trying, I wholeheartedly recommend it! I feel like I have a new lease on life, & I can't thank them enough!

Lynn G. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
School Teacher
Adrienne has helped me work through some issues stemming from my childhood that counseling never was successful with. She is knowledgeable and her suggestions make sense. I am fortunate to have reached out to Adrienne!!

Amber Chazukow ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
Co-Founder of ALT-University & ALT-U Certified Coach
My Shadow Session gave me the ability to be more joyful & present in my life. I find I am now able to see opportunities I wasn’t able to see before, because I am attracting them on a different frequency vs. subconsciously degrading myself internally. It gave me a new hope and outlook on life where I can see that I really can have what I want in life & love myself more for it. I feel lighter as though a weight was lifted & find I am more excited about life in general. I’ve always known I had a universal soul contract to help others discover who they are & now with this missing piece I know I can.

Eric B. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
ALT-University's Medicine Man
During my shadow session with Holly, I was reminded of who I really am & what I really came here to do. Since my experience I'm excited to completely ALTer my life!

Lindsay J. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
Web Designer
Adrienne is a wise, wonderful and radical woman! She'll make you laugh, she'll make you cry, she'll break you wide open so the sunshine can pour in!

Cindy D. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
Co-Founder of ALT-University until 2020
My shadow session was remarkably the most powerful thing I’ve done. I was able to break down the barriers of procrastination & get clarity on what my life HAS been about vs what it really CAN & IS about. I found that the brick walls I’ve built throughout my life weren’t meant to be impenetrable walls that I need to bulldoze through, but rather lessons that serve me as protective shields that I can choose to use or not. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared, but amidst the fear I still felt safe & very surprised at what came up for me. I now see this as being such a useful tool for my clients to help them see it is much easier to remove a shield vs a wall.

Caitlin D. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
Quality Assurance Professional
Going through the process with Amber was a very unique and helpful experience. Emotional honesty and vulnerability are very challenging for me but through the whole process I felt supported and safe enough to really be open and honest. It helped me to see my underlying triggers and biases that I’ve held onto my whole life. Moving forward after, I found it was easier to identify when I was being triggered. I can more easily stop myself before reacting and realize what is actually happening and correct it. This is a very helpful stepping stone on the path of self realization and self care.

Abby T. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
Public Service
This is the first time I’ve ever done a shadow session. During the session I was very emotional & it was quite an intense experience, but also very releasing at the same time. The tools that Michelle provided me with to move forward with my Life-Theme was more than anything I’ve ever received in counseling or any other therapy I’ve ever gone to. It was a life-changer for me, knowing what my life-theme was as well as having the tool to proceed & process through old traumas & new traumas. Michelle is a very kind & compassionate person who made me feel safe & secure throughout the whole session. She explained everything to me before & if I had any questions during the session we just stopped and went over them.

Keith L. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
Retired Counselor & Future ALT-U Coach
There are maybe 10 people that have influenced my life in a positive way that I consider "impact people". Adrienne has become one of them. I enjoyed the shadow session & feel happier and lighter. I know I am feeling vs. overthinking now. I have learned to let the feeling be felt & turn it to happy thoughts. I keep thinking of sitting out in the cosmos with God & knowing he is only love. I can tell God is stirring something inside of me to start helping people again, as though I'm being led by the Holy Spirit. A program like this feels natural to me & I like more than formal counseling. I am excited about becoming a ALT-U (Certified Coach) and using these tools to help people heal.

Erin L.B. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
My shadow session with Holly helped move me to a place of recognition, insight, & depth that allowed me to expand the understanding of myself & my patterns. It gave me tools to move forward and through the stops in my life that typically make me freeze. The tools she provided, I’m able to use on my own to be aware and self reliant on creating movement in my life.

Maria O.M. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
Yoga Instructor
I recently had a Shadow Session with Amber that was a real eye-opener. I honestly didn't know what to expect from the session. The combination of energy work and Amber's compassionate and probative counseling helped me learn some of the reasons why I self sabotage. It was quite an enlightening experience. I highly recommend you try a session with her. Not to mention, she is an awesome dance and yoga instructor.

Marc L. ~ Group Shadow Walk Session
Digital Engineer & Future ALT~U Coach

Adrienne L. Thomas ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
CEO of ALT-University
If you've stuck around long enough to read our other testimonials, I'm hoping you'll hang around just a bit longer. I'm not sure how many CEOs of a coaching company leave a testimonial on their own page. Nor do I know many that develop a program, train it, and cross-check it, by turning around to have their students coach them through the same experience that our clients will encounter. However, I DO know that I AM THAT ONE! I DO know and can attest that each one of the ALT-U Coaches I have personally Certified, are fantastic coaches, guides, and mentors. They are tough, gentle, centered, grounded, strong, steadfast, honest, honorable, vetted and DEDICATED to providing you with the best service and integrity during your personal development journey with us.
I know this because they coached me and each other through two years of shit, when my personal turmoil almost stopped me from launching this program. Through it all, even when it was slow going, they remained devoted to our elemental MISSION. To HELP the world HEAL! Because they, like I, KNOW that this program affects lives and impacts people for the better - FAST! With a mission like that, collective coaching is not only desired, but it is also REQUIRED from this team. Why...because around here we are HUMAN and we are REAL, which means we too have moments when grief comes to visit, and healing comes first.
I mean REAL healing. None of that "PUSH harder until you burn out and cancer comes knocking" healing. I mean deep PRIMAL healing. The kind that, IF NOT HANDLED, can keep you depressed and spiraling for days, weeks, years, repeatedly. And unless you're willing to dive right into it... you’ll miss the Gift beneath the Grief. That is why our team holds mutual accountability. So, we don't miss it! And NO, this collective coaching (like all coaching) doesn't always feel good. Especially when leading a team who intimately knows one another's vulnerabilities, (yes they know mine). They all could leave the team, or myself at any time, and each one WILL definitely call out each other's shadow for lack of focus, poor decision, or procrastination when necessary (specifically, mine).
In fact, it often feels shameful, humiliating, and can trigger spikes of internal rage, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Why, because as a team we can't grow or guide if we don't integrate and regulate our own Shadow. And as the creator of the Shadow Walk ~ Emotional Regulation Process, I know that the strength required to remain EMOTIONALLY REGULATED, while guiding others to their own healing is MANDATORY! The darkness the internal Shadow can cast, is a heavy weight to carry for a Coach when they are accompany a deep journey through the past of a stranger. Our Shadow Walk Sessions can take anywhere from 3-5 hours. Both coach and client are often met with unsurmountable fear, indescribable doubt, unfathomable stories, and emotionally excruciating pain.
Pain that I am expecting them to carry. Pain that you are monetarily exchanging to hand off. And pain that our coaches are stepping forward to hold. All of this in effort to provide you with what we received on our own journey. Relief! Relief from the burden that has you feeling lost, alone, small, forgotten, invisible, unheard, unloved, stagnant, and scared of who you've become...or haven't.
You've been calling for us. We are here, and we are listening. You need what we offer because it is the quickest path to freedom. And you want what we have because it is a simple, safe, and effective strategy to get yourSelf BACK in the game. I have yet to meet a soul who doesn't want or need this. Most do, and many are scared. Scared of their own Shadow. However, YOU are ready. You KNOW this, and so do we. We know this because we've been there, and LIKE attracts LIKE.
Every single ALT-U Certified Coach has gone through what you will go through on this journey. Including me. This is where it begins - this is where we all started. Never will there be a graduate here that has not had this experience. We exist to let you know you are NOT alone. We are here, lantern in hand, offering you an opportunity to light up the dark and let it go. Will you take a leap of faith? I can promise that this will jumpstart your system in the most PROFOUND way.
Whether you continue to consciously participate in your own growth after the experience, is up to you. But I can assure you, you'll feel free, see clearly, and know what the next right step is when the opportunity presents itself. And, yes, we have many personal growth programs beyond this initial invitation and may invite you to the next experience. However, you might find that the Shadow Walk alone is enough. Many have. EVEN BETTER, you may also feel called to join our mission and become a coach yourself.
But for now, in this moment, this synergetic exchange between my words and your eyes, let's simply focus on FREEING you up. Free you enough so you can find your purpose, join our DREAM TEAM, or manifest your own. Whatever it may be, life is far too short and much too sweet to feel so underrated. I don't know of a single program that can retrieve such DEEP personal insight, and remind you of who you are, faster than our Shadow Walk Session. And I mean that!
I DO know, that if my team can carefully hold, and powerfully coach me, without backing down, giving up, or freaking out, then I know they can & will remain dedicated, steadfast & strong while guiding your Shadow Walk, so you too, can find the GIFT beneath the GRIEF.
It's time to prioritize living again. It's time to #OPTIMIZEJOY, to uphold truth, to HAVE courageous conversations, to set personal boundaries, house higher principles AND nurture each other through pain and discouragement when needed. And it is us, the people of the world that need to heal us. And that begins within each heart, yours, and ours. You don't have to go it alone. On this walk we can RISE together, and my team will make sure you do! Because for us... this isn't "JUST BUSINESS" -- IT'S PERSONAL! So dear reader, I wonder...WILL YOU JOIN US?
Advance With ALTÂ
Our Methods
We’ll show you how to connect a healthy body, mind, & soul so you can live a balanced life.
Three paths we explore:

MEDITATION as a tool for clarity.

MOVEMENT to promote longevity.

MUSICÂ to inspire the mind & body.
Books & Mini CoursesÂ

This online book, written by Adrienne L. Thomas, is a handbook for how to HEAL Your Toxic Talk Track. It is the 10 Step Process to help you integrate your Shadow Self, overcome personal shame, & move forward with FREEDOM!Â

Mini Course
This "ALTering...Anger" mini course, presented by Amber Chazukow, provides the tools & tips needed to shift from anger to acceptance with ease. It will help you reframe & relieve the shame that accompanies this emotion.

E-Book...Coming Soon!Â
This online book, written by Adrienne L. Thomas & Michelle Benewiat, is a step-by-step workbook to help explore your personal programming, heal past wounds, & forgive those who influenced your experience .Â

Mini Course...Coming Soon!
This mini course, traditionally provided post Shadow Walk, will guide you through the process of designing the tools needed to help transmute difficult emotions quickly, remain emotionally regulated, & set you up for success.Â
Book A Synergy Call Now!
If you are ready to prioritize living & find out more about what may be keeping you from feeling JOY in your life, book a synergy call with us and let's see how WE can serve YOU best!
Let us help you...
- Find out what is keeping you STOPPED in life.
- Learn to keep PEACE in mind & body.
- Find JOY in everyday living.
Find A CoachCorporate Events
Let us know how we can best serve you or your business. Remember to ask us about our upcoming events, speaking engagements, vitality packages, or how you can become a part of the "Shadow Walk" revolution!Â
We will send you future offers & never share your personal information.

Hi! I'm Adrienne L. Thomas, and Intuitive Mindset Coach. I help people reestablish a deep connection with their power, prudence, purpose & play so they can trust life, #OPTIMIZEJOY, get back in the game & HELP others do the same!
Hi! I'm Adrienne L. Thomas, and Intuitive Mindset Coach. I help people reestablish a deep connection with their power, prudence, purpose & play so they can trust life, #OPTIMIZEJOY, get back in the game & HELP others do the same!
Contact Us
Let us know how we can best serve you or your business. Remember to ask us about our upcoming events, speaking engagements, vitality packages or how you can become a part of the "Shadow Walk" revolution! Also, please enjoy our FREE gift on how you can INCREASE ENERGY NOW!

Become AÂ Certified Coach
Whether you are just launching your coaching business, expanding your training toolbox, or looking to level-up your personal practice, we have just the program for you. By becoming an ALT-U Certified Coach, you can join us in our mission to HEAL the WORLD! Contact us today to book a synergy call and see if our Past to Prodigy, year round Master Mind Program, is right for YOU!
Find Us
Get To Know The Founders Of ALT-University! Follow us on FaceBook, watch our video testimonials, & join our online Facebook Community. #OPTIMIZEJOY

Rhea L.S. ~ Group Shadow Walk Session
Licensed Therapist
I've been a therapist for 20 years, and I've tried many modalities myself, but this was a really different experience for me in terms of getting right to the root of the belief system. AND then being able to change it, over a span of two days (3hrs), is really amazing. In traditional therapies like (CBT, EMDR, Somatic Practices) you're figuring out all these themes and the different ways to address them. [These therapies] all have their place, but the [Group Shadow Walk Session] was much more to the point. It helped me get [clear on what] my false belief system is. I could sit in therapy forever and never have gotten those things. And for me, it is easier to address and figure out how to change [something moving forward] when I know what I am dealing with right from the beginning, vs spending years trying to figure it out. [Your program] starts with that, and then you go from there. [I noticed] it changed how I related to certain people in my life immediately, which I found fascinating and hopeful. I haven't had many negative thoughts since [the session] but when I do, [I know] I can recognize the old belief system right away, and get through it so much faster. I also haven't needed to use [the tools provided] yet, but they give me hope that in the future, it will be easier to move through painful feelings [quickly], vs spending an hour, or ten, hoping they will end. [Your program] is very healing to say the least. [After this experience] I feel more confident, comfortable, and powerful being me, and I know I am beautiful and loveable just as I am. I definitely recommend this program to those who have tried traditional practices without resolution; are willing to go deep; and are wanting to get to the root of your personal belief system quickly - so you can move forward with your life, knowing how amazing you truly are! (Highlights from Rhea's video testimonial).Â

Holly Schultz ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
ALT~U Certified Coach
"I got my life back & restored a zest for life I had resigned myself from receiving. With Michelle’s guidance I found MY-SELF again & the LOOP I had been living in. Knowing this has helped me finally break free from that loop & quickly stop old patterns that no longer serve me, so I can live fully. This clarity made it easy to find my PURPOSE & know what I came here to do...I came here to help others live their BEST adventure, which is their LIFE! I decided to become an ALT-U coach because I know with the ALT strategy I can deliver the results my MISSION requires. Now I can truly help others break free from their loop & LIVE THEIR BEST LIFE! Just like I was delivered the cosmos, I too can take others to the most magical place in the universe...the STARS, and from there they can live their DREAMS!"
Michelle Benewiat ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
Co-Founder of ALT-University & ALT-U Certified Coach
FREEDOM! Never have I had so much FUN, JOY & WILLINGNESS to go into discomfort, vulnerability or step into new challenges. I mean - I love my LIFE! I knew I'd eventually be a life-coach, though I didn't know what it would look like. Now I'm living my life fully as a coach, mentor, parent, wife, friend & WOMAN. I'm ready to take it all on whatever it looks like. I'm super excited for what's next. ALL THE THINGS! Even the SHIfT! I can look at every hard thing I'm doing & see the lesson for me within the experience to guide others...EVERY SINGLE ONE!

Kimberly D. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
Spiritual Life-Coach
I was born a preemie, born with a mild disability and then had autoimmune issues as an adult, to the point where I couldn’t work and struggled walking with my cane. She helped me see the root reasons for my body to choose this life with a disability. And after that awareness, I was able to choose to let it go. Now, I am walking without my cane. I am still healing myself and relearning to walk. I am eternally grateful to Adrienne for being an integral part of my healing journey. If you want to understand your "life theme" and patterns that no longer serve you, or face the roots of your toxic pain or shame, book a call with her. You won’t regret it.

Ron C.
Digital Artist & Future ALT~U Coach
[My Group Shadow Walk experience] was phenomenal. I thought it was a very integrative and holistic approach [to working with the Shadow] negative aspects of life. I say that having had [other] experiences that weren't as integrative and tend to gloss over the hidden part of ourselves that we don't like to look at. [After the session] I felt lighter, childlike, playful, grounded and more like myself. I was able to observe myself and my triggers more easily, which was enlightening, and was also able to self correct more easily. I am more patient with myself and with others and it has enabled me to see other's choices as more unconscious actions vs malicious intention. [Through this process] I've learned that the Shadow not only has it's place in our lives, but it's a very important part of ourselves, that once we are able to bring it into alignment with our higher self, it becomes an amazing friend vs an [internal] adversary. This is one tool that I have found that if you use it, it will work and [while the Shadow Walk experience] is intense and feels difficult during the process, the [freedom gained] is so worth it! (Highlights from Ron's video testimonial).

Kalhie Q. ~ Coaching Experience
Sooooo.... How wild is our beautiful universe? I don't think I ever met Adrienne outside of a social media setting. At least not in this lifetime. I have to say, chatting with her felt very familiar. I have been going through some challenges and changes as of lately, and our conversation felt like it was meant to be. It felt right. She was able to help me see the SHEro within my SHEnanigains. I absolutely recommend reaching out or at least listening to her message if ya want to dive a bit deeper. I am down with self love and healing. Thank you for helping me take the next step!!!Â

Kathryn Cook ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
Co-Founder & COO of ALT-University
Personal development is nothing new to me. In fact my whole life I’ve been coaching people through much of their growth & with that find that, I myself, can often be a very resistant person in many ways to being coached. So when Adrienne offered me a rather impromptu Shadow Session, I thought it would be more of the “same” of what I have found over the years. In other words...I wasn’t expecting to be outsmarted by the strategy, but I was. In fact, I was struck by the process in which I was able to go so deep into my past so quickly. Within 2 hours she helped me find the root issue of what consistently stops me in life and I simply broke down. I could feel the pain of my life experiences finally releasing. It was reaching something so specific that I had not fully realized before. The session, even in its simplicity, was able to get to the crux of the matter...the foundation of what I have built my life upon. I clearly saw so many of the obstacles I’ve faced (many I felt embarrassed of) and realized I don’t have to keep repeating them over & over again. In fact now when looking back on how it has affected my life, I can still feel the resistance of that day and KNOW I have been freed...actually FREED of these patterns. Soon after I thought, why don’t I formalize my desire to help others with this system, that not only works but can magnify the impact of what I already love doing. It is difficult to express the power of a Shadow Session, but it is real and I'm going to make it my business, because I KNOW it works. It is the KEY...the missing link of what most never find in their PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & I’m going to help bring it to the world.

Denise M. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
I think the program is a very interesting and useful tool, that I didn't even know I needed. I honestly wasn't sure what to expect in the beginning, all I knew was it was a form of self healing, & a way to find out what has been holding me back in life. Intrigued, I had to give it a try. I'm so glad I did. I was a little skeptical, wondering how one session could make that much of an impact on my life. I was completely blown away! Once I got through my session, I couldn't believe the life theme, & triggers that came up. They made total sense for me. Having that information armed me with tools & resources to better handle anything new that came my way with more confidence & trust in my own decisions, & really learning how to release the things that no longer serve me. I can much more quickly spot triggers that come up & can handle them with more grace & ease. It has helped me become more comfortable in my own skin. I have had many breakthroughs since my session, the most important being to always check in with myself, making sure my inner child is left feeling heard & loved. IÂ absolutely adore (Kathryn Cook) the coach I had for my session. She was a delight, very calm, knowledgeable, made me very comfortable. I would love to check in with her again to let her know the progress I have made. If this is something you have been thinking about trying, I wholeheartedly recommend it! I feel like I have a new lease on life, & I can't thank them enough!

Lynn G. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
School Teacher
Adrienne has helped me work through some issues stemming from my childhood that counseling never was successful with. She is knowledgeable and her suggestions make sense. I am fortunate to have reached out to Adrienne!!

Amber Chazukow ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
Co-Founder of ALT-University & ALT-U Certified Coach
My Shadow Session gave me the ability to be more joyful & present in my life. I find I am now able to see opportunities I wasn’t able to see before, because I am attracting them on a different frequency vs. subconsciously degrading myself internally. It gave me a new hope and outlook on life where I can see that I really can have what I want in life & love myself more for it. I feel lighter as though a weight was lifted & find I am more excited about life in general. I’ve always known I had a universal soul contract to help others discover who they are & now with this missing piece I know I can.

Eric B. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
ALT-University's Medicine Man
During my shadow session with Holly, I was reminded of who I really am & what I really came here to do. Since my experience I'm excited to completely ALTer my life!

Lindsay J. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
Web Designer
Adrienne is a wise, wonderful and radical woman! She'll make you laugh, she'll make you cry, she'll break you wide open so the sunshine can pour in!

Cindy D. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
Co-Founder of ALT-University until 2020
My shadow session was remarkably the most powerful thing I’ve done. I was able to break down the barriers of procrastination & get clarity on what my life HAS been about vs what it really CAN & IS about. I found that the brick walls I’ve built throughout my life weren’t meant to be impenetrable walls that I need to bulldoze through, but rather lessons that serve me as protective shields that I can choose to use or not. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared, but amidst the fear I still felt safe & very surprised at what came up for me. I now see this as being such a useful tool for my clients to help them see it is much easier to remove a shield vs a wall.

Caitlin D. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
Quality Assurance Professional
Going through the process with Amber was a very unique and helpful experience. Emotional honesty and vulnerability are very challenging for me but through the whole process I felt supported and safe enough to really be open and honest. It helped me to see my underlying triggers and biases that I’ve held onto my whole life. Moving forward after, I found it was easier to identify when I was being triggered. I can more easily stop myself before reacting and realize what is actually happening and correct it. This is a very helpful stepping stone on the path of self realization and self care.

Abby T. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
Public Service
This is the first time I’ve ever done a shadow session. During the session I was very emotional & it was quite an intense experience, but also very releasing at the same time. The tools that Michelle provided me with to move forward with my Life-Theme was more than anything I’ve ever received in counseling or any other therapy I’ve ever gone to. It was a life-changer for me, knowing what my life-theme was as well as having the tool to proceed & process through old traumas & new traumas. Michelle is a very kind & compassionate person who made me feel safe & secure throughout the whole session. She explained everything to me before & if I had any questions during the session we just stopped and went over them.

Keith L. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
Retired Counselor & Future ALT-U Coach
There are maybe 10 people that have influenced my life in a positive way that I consider "impact people". Adrienne has become one of them. I enjoyed the shadow session & feel happier and lighter. I know I am feeling vs. overthinking now. I have learned to let the feeling be felt & turn it to happy thoughts. I keep thinking of sitting out in the cosmos with God & knowing he is only love. I can tell God is stirring something inside of me to start helping people again, as though I'm being led by the Holy Spirit. A program like this feels natural to me & I like more than formal counseling. I am excited about becoming a ALT-U (Certified Coach) and using these tools to help people heal.

Erin L.B. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
My shadow session with Holly helped move me to a place of recognition, insight, & depth that allowed me to expand the understanding of myself & my patterns. It gave me tools to move forward and through the stops in my life that typically make me freeze. The tools she provided, I’m able to use on my own to be aware and self reliant on creating movement in my life.

Maria O.M. ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
Yoga Instructor
I recently had a Shadow Session with Amber that was a real eye-opener. I honestly didn't know what to expect from the session. The combination of energy work and Amber's compassionate and probative counseling helped me learn some of the reasons why I self sabotage. It was quite an enlightening experience. I highly recommend you try a session with her. Not to mention, she is an awesome dance and yoga instructor.

Marc L. ~ Group Shadow Walk Session
Digital Engineer & Future ALT~U Coach

Adrienne L. Thomas ~ Solo Shadow Walk Session
CEO of ALT-University
If you've stuck around long enough to read our other testimonials, I'm hoping you'll hang around just a bit longer. I'm not sure how many CEOs of a coaching company leave a testimonial on their own page. Nor do I know many that develop a program, train it, and cross-check it, by turning around to have their students coach them through the same experience that our clients will encounter. However, I DO know that I AM THAT ONE! I DO know and can attest that each one of the ALT-U Coaches I have personally Certified, are fantastic coaches, guides, and mentors. They are tough, gentle, centered, grounded, strong, steadfast, honest, honorable, vetted and DEDICATED to providing you with the best service and integrity during your personal development journey with us.
I know this because they coached me and each other through two years of shit, when my personal turmoil almost stopped me from launching this program. Through it all, even when it was slow going, they remained devoted to our elemental MISSION. To HELP the world HEAL! Because they, like I, KNOW that this program affects lives and impacts people for the better - FAST! With a mission like that, collective coaching is not only desired, but it is also REQUIRED from this team. Why...because around here we are HUMAN and we are REAL, which means we too have moments when grief comes to visit, and healing comes first.
I mean REAL healing. None of that "PUSH harder until you burn out and cancer comes knocking" healing. I mean deep PRIMAL healing. The kind that, IF NOT HANDLED, can keep you depressed and spiraling for days, weeks, years, repeatedly. And unless you're willing to dive right into it... you’ll miss the Gift beneath the Grief. That is why our team holds mutual accountability. So, we don't miss it! And NO, this collective coaching (like all coaching) doesn't always feel good. Especially when leading a team who intimately knows one another's vulnerabilities, (yes they know mine). They all could leave the team, or myself at any time, and each one WILL definitely call out each other's shadow for lack of focus, poor decision, or procrastination when necessary (specifically, mine).
In fact, it often feels shameful, humiliating, and can trigger spikes of internal rage, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Why, because as a team we can't grow or guide if we don't integrate and regulate our own Shadow. And as the creator of the Shadow Walk ~ Emotional Regulation Process, I know that the strength required to remain EMOTIONALLY REGULATED, while guiding others to their own healing is MANDATORY! The darkness the internal Shadow can cast, is a heavy weight to carry for a Coach when they are accompany a deep journey through the past of a stranger. Our Shadow Walk Sessions can take anywhere from 3-5 hours. Both coach and client are often met with unsurmountable fear, indescribable doubt, unfathomable stories, and emotionally excruciating pain.
Pain that I am expecting them to carry. Pain that you are monetarily exchanging to hand off. And pain that our coaches are stepping forward to hold. All of this in effort to provide you with what we received on our own journey. Relief! Relief from the burden that has you feeling lost, alone, small, forgotten, invisible, unheard, unloved, stagnant, and scared of who you've become...or haven't.
You've been calling for us. We are here, and we are listening. You need what we offer because it is the quickest path to freedom. And you want what we have because it is a simple, safe, and effective strategy to get yourSelf BACK in the game. I have yet to meet a soul who doesn't want or need this. Most do, and many are scared. Scared of their own Shadow. However, YOU are ready. You KNOW this, and so do we. We know this because we've been there, and LIKE attracts LIKE.
Every single ALT-U Certified Coach has gone through what you will go through on this journey. Including me. This is where it begins - this is where we all started. Never will there be a graduate here that has not had this experience. We exist to let you know you are NOT alone. We are here, lantern in hand, offering you an opportunity to light up the dark and let it go. Will you take a leap of faith? I can promise that this will jumpstart your system in the most PROFOUND way.
Whether you continue to consciously participate in your own growth after the experience, is up to you. But I can assure you, you'll feel free, see clearly, and know what the next right step is when the opportunity presents itself. And, yes, we have many personal growth programs beyond this initial invitation and may invite you to the next experience. However, you might find that the Shadow Walk alone is enough. Many have. EVEN BETTER, you may also feel called to join our mission and become a coach yourself.
But for now, in this moment, this synergetic exchange between my words and your eyes, let's simply focus on FREEING you up. Free you enough so you can find your purpose, join our DREAM TEAM, or manifest your own. Whatever it may be, life is far too short and much too sweet to feel so underrated. I don't know of a single program that can retrieve such DEEP personal insight, and remind you of who you are, faster than our Shadow Walk Session. And I mean that!
I DO know, that if my team can carefully hold, and powerfully coach me, without backing down, giving up, or freaking out, then I know they can & will remain dedicated, steadfast & strong while guiding your Shadow Walk, so you too, can find the GIFT beneath the GRIEF.
It's time to prioritize living again. It's time to #OPTIMIZEJOY, to uphold truth, to HAVE courageous conversations, to set personal boundaries, house higher principles AND nurture each other through pain and discouragement when needed. And it is us, the people of the world that need to heal us. And that begins within each heart, yours, and ours. You don't have to go it alone. On this walk we can RISE together, and my team will make sure you do! Because for us... this isn't "JUST BUSINESS" -- IT'S PERSONAL! So dear reader, I wonder...WILL YOU JOIN US?