Group Shadow Walk


Ready to HEAL your past, HARNESS your power & HANDLE your purpose? 

 This is YOUR opportunity to FIND your ENTIRE False Belief System (Shadow Self) so you can KNOW...

  • WHO you are TRULY meant to BE.
  • WHAT your LIFE'S PURPOSE is.
  • WHEN you created your FALSE BELIEF SYSTEM.
  • WHERE it all BEGAN.
  • WHY it was DESIGNED.
  • HOW to FULLY integrate your SHADOW SELF! 

September 11, 2023 - September 15, 2023

4:00pm EST

We are aware of the historical weight of this day in America & have decided to launch anyway. We feel as though there is NO BETTER time to BLESS such a traumatic day then by honoring it with a POWERFUL shift in our collective ENERGIES!









*Sound Familiar?*

You're ready to live your purpose free from fear, doubt, & pain but, you still...

  • Aren't sure WHY negative patterns continue to emerge in life.
  • Struggle to transmute fear into action.
  • Feel overwhelmed by intense emotions & invasive thoughts.
  • Find it difficult to move forward without a clear path or focused intention.
  • Are unable to control your emotions when met with obstacles.
  • Can't seem to get a handle on your life's direction.
  • Experience fear of the unknown & feel lost in your life's purpose.


How would it feel if you knew...

  • The ENTIRE system that continues to keep you feeling stuck?
  • WHO you really are & the power you were born to embody?
  • WHAT your life's purpose truly is?
  • WHEN you settled on less in life?
  • WHERE this pattern of beliefs began?
  • WHY it continues to repeat?
  • HOW this system is designed to help you live your dream?
  • STRATEGIES to move through difficulty swiftly & focus with clarity?
  • The NEXT STEP to fulfilling your divine destiny?

What if I told you that KNOWING these answers are

100% possible for you...


Would you make it a priority to find these answers, & develop NEW strategies to LIVE your dream?



Group "SHADOW WALK" Session

An Experience unlike any other.
Packed full of tools & techniques needed to MASTER your limiting belief system!


Through this journey, Adrienne L. Thomas (Founder of ALT-University) & her team of ALT-U Certified Coaches, will walk you through your past to help you find the false limiting belief system that prevents you from LIVING the LIFE your were BORN to LIVE! Here is what other's whom have experienced and Group Shadow Walk have to say...


*Course Features*

What's Included...


Lifetime Access to the "Purging the Your Past" Curriculum

  • Instant access to the entire course - no "drip" campaign.
  • We provide you with precise step-by-step tutorials on how to change your emotional state in record time.

5 Day LIVE Shadow Workshop

  • One week of FOCUSED intention to help you best integrate your Shadow Self.
  • LIVE online daily zoom calls with the ALT-U Team.
  • Closed intimate sessions with LIMITED SPACE (20 people max).

1 Group Shadow Walk Call (3hr max)

  • A Life-Changing experience that leaves you  KNOWING who you are.
  • The VERY BEST way to explore your deepest wounds that create DIS-EASE.
  • A direct line into your personal WORLD of WISDOM.
  • An opportunity to RECALIBERATE your unprocessed emotions (TRAUMAS). 

1 Group Completion Call (2hr max)

  • A powerful REFRAMING of your past that it...IN YOUR PAST.
  • A profound HEALING experience that will have you feeling DEEPLY connected.
  • An INTENSE experience in SELF-FORGIVENESS.
  • An ENLIGHTENING physical experience that finds the HUMOR in your HUMANITY.

3 Group Follow Up Calls (1hr max)

  • Follow-up calls designed to answer questions & review the various strategies used to help you prevent & process future emotional down spirals.
  • You'll have customized tools to help you work through heavier emotions when needed from those whom have been there.

2 Online Support Videos

  • An introduction video to help you prepare for your Shadow Walk experience.  
  • An educational explanation of how the Shadow Self operates & why integrating it is the best way to stop it from working against you.

4 Online Instruction Modules

  • The exact process of setting up customized tools used to help shift personal triggers & calm your system in minutes
  • Clear explanation of the what, why, & how these tools work.

*Course Benefits*

What You'll Get...

You will get CLEAR on:

  • The truth of your false belief system (Shadow Self). 

  • The origin, root, & pattern of your Shadow Self.

  • The ONE limiting belief that all others stem from (Life-Theme).

  • The nature of your life patterns that keep you feeling stuck.

  • Your Life's Purpose & who you were meant to be.

  • How to reframe your relationship with yourself, let go of the past.

  • Why certain patterns repeat in your life.

  • How quickly transmute your energy & re-regulate your system naturally.

  • How to create a future where you are no longer being controlled by past patterns.

  • Where it all began, & what it was designed to do.

  • Why your Shadow Self is your BEST FRIEND!


How You'll Feel...

You will FEEL:

  • Comforted in knowing that your Shadow is nothing to be ashamed of.

  • A profound healing experience that liberates the weight you currently carry.

  • Empowered as you learn how to harness this potent part of yourself.

  • Grateful in seeing your Shadow as a powerful messenger.

  • Confident in setting personal boundaries that prevent DIS-EASE.

  • Accomplished from creating a custom plan nurtures your needs. 

  • Peace and harmony within yourself & in your relationships with others.


See What Our Clients, Turned Coaches, Have to Say About the

ALT-U Shadow Walk...


*Course Curriculum*

The Breakdown...

See what's inside.

Day 1:

Day 1 is dedicated to excavating the Limiting Belief System so it can be seen in it's entirety so the Shadow Self can be recognized as a gifted messenger that points to something deeper within.

Day 2:

Module 2 is all about reframing the past belief system that was created by the Shadow & making peace with it in effort to join forces and live a life of powerful alignment moving forward with personal integrity & self-forgiveness. 

Day 3: 

Module 3 focuses on how to manage your Shadow Self when it seems to be working against you & creating a POA to quickly shift your down-spirals, regulate your system, & re-align with your highest self when needed. 

Day 4: 

Day 4 is time well spent on creating a lasting transformation by designing a custom practice that helps prevent future breakdowns & keeps you moving forward with EASE as the your WHOLE-SELF experiencing your natural flow. 

Day 5: 

Day 5 is spent completing the custom tools to support you integrating your Shadow Self while moving forward. These tools will help you Master the skills of emotional regulation will ensure your ability to live an authentic, peaceful life.

Plus 4 Additional  Video Tutorials

Review Worksheets

Review worksheets to help you dive deeper into your personal history and further explore Shadow patterns that prevent you from living your purpose.

Online Community

Access to our exclusive online Shadow Walk community, where we deliver additional tips & trick on how to integrate your Shadow Self.

Additional Opportunities

Access to our private programs reserved EXCLUSIVELY for Shadow Walk graduates, and an invitation to become an ALT-U Certified Coach.  


*Professional Services*

Level Up Your Learning With...

1-1 Coaching


Clients who have opted for a more personalized experience have found it can expedite the healing process. This decision is based on the comfort of each individual. If you would like additional support in deciding which is right for you, please contact us at [email protected]

About the Facilitator...

Adrienne L. Thomas is an Intuitive Mindset Coach fiercely committed to improving humanity by helping others identify invisible barriers that prevent them from getting the results they want. With a BA in education, world travel experience, and 20 years as a classically trained ballet instructor/ studio owner, she has used dance and yoga, with children and adults, to develop their character and confidence. Her mission is to help people deepen their ability to love and appreciate their body, mind, and soul.

Coaching has allowed her to study how people learn, how they hold themselves back and how they battle themselves internally. Nothing fuels her more than seeing the shift in their state of BEING, when she helps people push beyond invisible barriers to accomplish something for the first time.

She most recently created the "SHADOW WALK" program after she deliberately choose to opt into her personal Dark Knight of the Soul experience in 2017. What she found was a sense of heavy confusion that most people tend to live with their whole life.  

From her journey through the Dark Knight, she found a way to access a deeper wisdom that is ONLY accessible from diving deeply into one's past and excavate what lies beneath. Her program help's others make peace with their Shadow Self, find their true purpose and Live the Life they truly deserve. 

She later founded ALT-University, dedicated to training current and future coaches in facilitating the Shadow Walk experience to better help their clients move forward powerfully in LIFE.

Her team of vetted SHEroes and their podcast "SHEroes & SHEnanigans," is dedicated to inspiring other to release the heaviness in life by encouraging people to face their inner-wisdom. She and her team teach and demonstrate how a willingness to play in these inner depths leads to vulnerability, healing and authenticity.

She works with successful entrepreneurs and business executives who have everything they need to be happy and fulfilled in life, except the ability to fully enjoy their results.

Adrienne currently resides in NC with her husband and four children. She continues to teach dance privately out of her home and has recently begun offering her coaching services online. You can find her on various social media platforms, or on Facebook at Adrienne L. Thomas, ALT-University, and SHEros & SHEnanigans.

What It's Like To Experience An 

ALT-U Group Shadow Walk Session...


Wow, I’m still kind of feeling this experience quite deeply. I’m in awe and deeply grateful for seeing so clearly the unconscious programming that has been at play. I’m also so grateful that I can let go of the harsh judgement and self hate that I’ve carried for so long. This belief feels old, old and dense. There is certainly a lesson here in the pain and I feel it has come up to be illuminated. I feel as though I’ve shed a layer inside that I haven’t been able to reach before.
Ylana H. ~ Licensed Therapist
Well I didn't expect to grow so quickly and from such a deep place as I have when I signed up for this! It felt supreme to be witness to so many others healing from dark wounds and pain alongside my own experience of releasing fascial trauma. A huge relief for the heaviness I felt on my chest for far too long, like I just couldn't have or do anything that was truly anything worth while. That feels silly to me now to think I was that way. The Path forward continues onward for each of us.

Krystal G. ~ Health Coach

After having some time to let all of this set in I have come to a few realizations. First, I believe that I somehow blocked myself from much of my younger memories. During the session, this was the part that took the longest to come to me. Second, I now understand my old life theme. Its something that has already come up during other sessions. At the time I didn't realize that this was my life theme, but looking back I see the common thread in my life. I am excited for the future and what opening these doors within myself will bring.

Ben D. ~ U.S. Army

This SPECIAL EVENT is a Limited Time Offer!!

Originally $450 ~ NOW ONLY $97

This is a SPECIAL RE-LAUNCHING opportunity!  Make sure to GRAB YOUR SEAT as the session space is limited to 20 people ONLY!!

Group Shadow Walk


Group Experience

  • Lifetime Course Access
  • 1 Group Shadow Walk
  • 1 Completion Call
  • 3 Follow-up Calls
  • 2 Support Videos
  • 4 Instruction Modules
  • Bonus Features

Private Shadow Walk


1-1 Experience

  • Individual Shadow Walk
  • SW Course Package
  • 4 Coaching Calls (1hr)
  • Custom Wellness Plans
  • Coaching Accountability 
  • Personalized Support
  • Extended Integration (4 weeks)

Our 30-Day

Money Back Guarantee...

Here at ALT-University, we stand 100% behind the strategies and methods taught in this program, AND we also want you to feel confident in investing in yourself.

If you do the work, applying what you've learned from inside ALT-University and are unhappy with the outcome, we offer a 30 day "do-the-work" refund. In order to qualify, you must submit written proof of module lessons, showed up for coaching calls (if included), completed any attached worksheets/ exercises, & implemented what you've learned.